Mom use to say…

Posted on Oct 15, 2015 | Comments Off on Mom use to say…


Window Shopping Proof

The question of where to take Mom’s blog next continues to come up for me – I can’t put it to rest. One final relevant topic is is still on the way – the completion of the marble gravestone for Mom’s grave. Fortunately they take care of the installation. The promised delivery date to the cemetery is scheduled for late October and I hope it will arrive before her birthday, November 1st.  –  also The Day of the Dead and one of my  favorite holidays.

Day of the Dead

November 1st
Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead holds even deeper meaning for me now because it’s the same day as Mom’s birthday. I want to Celebrate Mom’s life —always. From now on I will celebrate her birthday on an official holiday that honors the dead.

Mom use to say…
One of Mom’s favorite expressions “Live each day and live it well.” is a reoccurring reminder for me for how much each day has to offer. I think Mom said it at least once a day and when anyone asked her how she had managed to live such a long and healthy life it was always her immediate answer.

I still have lively conversations in my head with Mom and have fun talking to her. I play to reruns to live-again what could soon forgotten. Sometimes during the day, without warning, her words attach themselves to something I am doing. I hear things she use to say. I say things to her I wish I would have said. It’s a place for me to go when I want to home alone with Mom. The life time lessons that are still with me — they have not been lost. She’s still my greatest teacher.